Making choices is an essential skill that children need to learn as they grow. From deciding what game to play to choosing what snack to eat, making decisions empowers children and helps them develop confidence. However, decision-making can be challenging for some children, leading to indecision or anxiety. Fortunately, there are various activities parents and educators can use to help children build their decision-making skills in a fun and supportive environment.
1. Story-based Decision Making
Story-based decision-making activities engage children's imaginations while teaching them about the consequences of their choices. Start by reading a story or creating one together where the protagonist faces dilemmas and must make decisions. After each decision point, pause and discuss the options available, encouraging children to consider the possible outcomes of each choice.
For example, you can read a story about a character who must decide whether to share their toys with a friend or keep them to themselves. Ask the children what they would do in the character's situation and why. Encourage them to think about how their choices might affect others and themselves. This activity helps children understand that decisions have consequences and allows them to practise weighing their options.
After reading the story, you can extend the activity by asking children to create their own stories with decision points. This not only reinforces their understanding of decision-making but also fosters creativity and storytelling skills.
2. Decision Dice

Decision dice is a hands-on activity that makes decision-making fun and interactive for children. Create a simple dice using cardboard or foam and divide it into sections representing different choices or options. For example, if you're deciding what game to play, you can label the sections with the names of various games. Alternatively, you can use pictures or symbols to represent the choices.
Once the decision dice is ready, invite the children to take turns rolling it. Whatever option the dice lands on is the choice they have to make. Encourage them to express their thoughts and feelings about the chosen option. This activity not only helps children practise making decisions but also teaches them to accept the outcomes of their choices.
To add complexity to the game, you can introduce consequences for each choice. For instance, if the dice lands on "play outside," the consequence could be having fun in the fresh air, whereas if it lands on "play a board game," the consequence could be spending quality time with friends indoors. This encourages children to consider both the immediate and long-term effects of their decisions.
3. Decision-making Journals
Decision-making journals provide children with a personal space to reflect on their choices and learn from their experiences. Give each child a notebook or journal and encourage them to write down decisions they make throughout the day, along with the reasons behind their choices and how they felt about them.
At the end of the week or month, set aside time for children to review their journals and reflect on their decision-making process. Discuss any patterns or trends they notice, such as always choosing the same option or struggling with certain types of decisions. Encourage them to think about choices they could have made and the potential outcomes.
You can also use decision-making journals as a tool for goal setting. Ask children to write down a decision they want to make differently in the future and come up with a plan for achieving that goal. This helps them develop strategies for making better decisions and empowers them to take control of their choices.
4. Role-playing Scenarios

Role-playing scenarios allow children to practise making decisions in a safe and supportive environment. Create various scenarios based on real-life situations that children may encounter, such as sharing toys with a sibling or choosing a healthy snack. Assign roles to different children or let them take turns playing different characters.
Encourage the children to act out the scenarios and make decisions as they go along. Provide guidance and support as needed, helping them explore different options and consider the consequences of their choices. After each role-play, facilitate a discussion about the decisions made and how they could have been approached differently.
Role-playing scenarios help children develop empathy and perspective-taking skills by putting themselves in someone else's shoes. It also allows them to practise decision-making in a low-pressure setting, building confidence for real-life situations.
5. Collaborative Decision-making
Collaborative decision-making activities promote teamwork and cooperation while teaching children how to negotiate and compromise. Choose an activity or project that requires a group decision, such as planning a class party or designing a play area. Encourage children to brainstorm ideas together and discuss the pros and cons of each option.
As a group, work towards reaching a consensus by considering everyone's opinions and finding common ground. Encourage children to listen actively to each other and respectfully voice their thoughts and preferences. Emphasise the importance of compromise and finding solutions that benefit everyone involved.
Once a decision is made, celebrate the success of the collaborative process and reflect on what the group learnt from the experience. Encourage children to apply the skills they developed during the activity to other collaborative endeavours in their lives.
In conclusion, helping children develop strong decision-making skills is crucial for their personal and academic success. By engaging them in activities that encourage critical thinking, reflection, and collaboration, parents and educators can empower children to make confident and informed choices. Through practise and support, children can learn to navigate the complexities of decision-making and become more independent and resilient individuals.